Directly connect to Asia-Pacific venues (FIX + Native) with ultra-low-latency, while complying with all trading risk requirements.
Risk Management
Buy-side and sell-side firms across Asia-Pacific need to adapt to an ever-changing internal and external business and regulatory landscape. Raptor supports a full set of industry-standard risk filters, including:
Order Validations
Market (valid destination)
Security ID (valid symbology and security)
Round Tick (market- and configuration-dependent price check)
Round Lot (market- and configuration-dependent quality check)
Side (market- and configuration-dependent, e.g. no short-sell-exempt)
Order Type (market- and configuration-dependent)
Time In Force (market-and configuration-dependent)
Order Restrictions (market-and configuration-dependent)
Order Capacity (market- and configuration-dependent)
Per-Order Risk Filters
(Global, Client and Account specific)
Max Quantity (shares, contracts or units - global and per-security)
Max Lots (same as above, but expressed in lots)
Max Notional Value (global and per-security)
Max % of Average Daily Volume (per-security)
Max % of Outstanding Shares (per-security)
Price Range as % (reject limit orders with a price outside range of a reference price, such as last traded price, base price, open price)
Price Range in Ticks (same as above, but expressed in ticks rather than %)
Restricted List (Buy, Sell, Short Sell and Short Sell Exempt are all individually controllable)
Per-Security Risk Filters
(Global and Client specific)
Restricted List (Buy, Sell, Short Sell and Short Sell Exempt all individually enabled/disabled)
Max Lots per Order
Max Quantity per Order (shares, contracts or units)
Max Notional Value per Order
Max Gross Quantity (cumulative per-position: for groups, the gross size of the position for all instruments in the group - expressed in shares, contracts or units)
Max Gross Lots (same as above, but expressed in lots)
Min/Max Net Quantity (cumulative per-position: for groups, the net (long - short) size of the position totalled for all instruments in the group - expressed in shares, contracts or units)
Min/Max Net Lots (same as above, but expressed in lots)
Short and Long Sell Risk Filters
(Global and Client specific)
Short Sell OK
Short Sell Locate (check and draw down stock loan availability, reject if none available)
Long Sell Inventory (check and draw down stock inventory, reject if none available)
Position Risk Filters
(Account specific)
Gross Quantity (gross total quantity of all orders contributing to the position, limited by global/client restrictions for instrument/group - expressed in shares, contracts or units)
Gross Lots (same as above, but expressed in lots)
Net Quantity (net total quantity of all orders contributing to the position, limited by global/client restrictions for instrument/group - expressed in shares, contracts or units)
Net Lots (same as above, but expressed in lots)
Long Market Value (LMV) (total notional value of all buy orders)
Short Market Value (SMV) (total notional value of all sell orders)
Gross Market Value (total notional value of all orders)
Net Market Value – LMV - SMV
Matched Market Value (proprietary risk metric, as defined by client)
Max Gross Notional Value per Second
Portfolio Risk Filters
(Account specific)
Long Market Value (LMV) (total notional value of all buy orders)
Short Market Value (SMV) (total notional value of all sell orders)
Gross Market Value (total notional value of all orders)
Net Market Value – LMV - SMV
Matched Market Value (as defined by broker)
Trading Power (reject if collateral is insufficient to cover initial and position margin requirements)
Portfolio Concentration (alert only)
Max Loss (alert only)
Message Rate Risk Filters
(Account specific)
Maximum Repeat Orders per Second
Maximum Notional Value per Second
… other rate-based filters per customer requirements
Market Specific Risk Filters
Max Untraded Deletes (cancelled unfilled orders), both as an absolute limit as well as in proportion to filled orders
Wash Trade Prevention / Trade against Self Prevention / Unintentional Cross Prevention (UCP)
Circuit Breaker (index-based market-wide circuit breakers)
Margining for Listed Derivatives
(Client specific)
SPAN based pre-margining (notional value of available collateral is continuously re-calculated)
NSE and KRX Risk Filters
Raptor provides comprehensive support for a range of NSE and KRX specific risk filters.
Additional Risk Filters
Raptor supports additional risk filters and can extend support to new filters on customer request.